"God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control." (NCV)
What is God saying?
There is no reason for God's followers to be afraid, rather they should be powerful, loving, and in control of themselves.
What is God saying to us today?
Fear makes us do things we not ordinarily do. Perhaps we lash out at someone we care about, or we try to hide from the whole world, or we turn to substances to numb our fear. And while these type of reactions might make sense from the world's perspective, we as followers of God should respond differently to "fearful" situations. Knowing that God is on our side, working for our eternal good, changes us. Having a relationship with the most powerful Being gives us power. Being connected with the Essence of Love makes us loving. And following a Savior who remained in control when faced with the most horrifying of deaths, inspires us to have self-control when fear tries to take charge.
What is God inviting us to do?
Do you frequently wrestle with fear on a physical, emotional, or spiritual level (or perhaps all three)? God invites us to get to know Him on a deeper level and receive His spirit that will replace that fear with power, love, and self-control.