People have responded to this pandemic in a variety of ways. Whether out of stress, wisdom, desperation, compassion, or foolishness people’s behavior has run the gamut from survivalist prepper to coronavirus party-goer. If the stakes weren’t so high, some of these ridiculously bizarre responses would be amusing.
Recently a dean for one New York University campus made the news for her inexplicable behavior. Several students had asked about a tuition refund due to the pandemic impacting the rest of the school year. In her emailed response, she said that there would be no refunds, but went on to invite the students dance with her – and she attached a several-minute video of her dancing to a song by REM. Her strange actions came across as tone-deaf at best.
God does not want His followers to be foolish. We need to respond to people and circumstances appropriately. If we do not, then it will be difficult for people to take us and our message of the Gospel seriously. (This is not to say we can’t use and enjoy humor, laughter really helps – especially in stressful times.) Proverbs 10:23 reminds us that “Fools enjoy doing wrong, but anyone with good sense enjoys acting wisely.” May we act wisely during this crisis and help others do same!