As we hear the news coming out of the countries and regions hardest hit by COVID-19, it is clear that there are many medical-related shortages. There are not enough N95 masks, gloves, face shields, protective gowns, etc. There are not enough ventilators. There are not enough hospital beds. There are not enough doctors and nurses. While manufacturers are springing into action trying to address the material shortages as rapidly as possible, there is no such solution to address the personnel shortages.
Because of this, retired doctors and nurses from around the world are returning to work in order to help battle this pandemic. About 4,500 of them are coming back in England alone. Even though people of retired age are in some of the most high-risk demographics, these medical professionals are willing to brave the danger in order to save lives. Difficult times provide opportunities for heroes to emerge, and the sacrificial actions of these doctors and nurses are nothing short of heroic.
As followers of Christ, we too are called to sacrifice for the good of others. We can share our supplies with others. We can go shopping for our neighbors who cannot go for themselves. We can take time to call, text, email, hand-write words of encouragement. We can donate money and goods to places that are providing critical care to the vulnerable. When we do these things, we live out the words of Paul, “Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others” (1 Timothy 3:18). May we be appreciate the sacrifices others are making for us, and may we be willing to sacrifice for others!