Tracy Adventist Church


James 1:17

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." (NIV)

What is God saying?

All of the goodness we experience comes from God; and we don't have to worry that He will stop giving us good things, because He never changes.

What is God saying to us today?

When we look at mythologies from around the world, we often find gods who are unpredictable. Zeus is blessing you one moment and zapping you with a lightening bolt the next. Mars is fighting with you in one battle and absent the next. Loki is making you laugh, then making you cry. In modern times many people attribute the same characteristic to God - even Christians. We don't know if we're going to get the Old Testament God one second or the New Testament God the next. But the truth is, God doesn't change - He is the same in the OT as He is in the NT. He is a God that give us good and perfect gifts. We have to understand though that those perfect gifts are from His perspective. For example, proper discipline turns out to be just as a good of gift as anything else in the long run, even though it's not too pleasant to experience it in the moment. The good news is that God is always the giver of good and perfect gifts, and that will never change!

What is God inviting us to do?

Are you tired of trying to figure out what kind of mood God is in from day to day? God invites us to find assurance in the fact that He doesn't change, He was, is and will always be a God of love that wants to give us good and perfect gifts.

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