Tracy Adventist Church


Jeremiah 31:3

"The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.'" (NIV)

What is God saying?

God loves His people unconditionally and has attracted them to Him through grace.

What is God saying to us today?

There are several different reasons why people follow God. Some do it out of tradition, because their parents followed Him. Some do it out of fear, because they're afraid of His punishment. Some do it out of pressure, because they would be kicked out of or marginalized in their community. But God explains here that the true basis for us to follow Him is love and grace (the Hebrew word translated as "unfailing kindness" is basically the Hebrew word for grace). Unfortunately, when people follow God for any other reason, it is usually because we have a wrong idea of who He is - and instead of finding reasons to stay in a relationship with Him, we look for reasons to leave. If everyone allowed themselves to be drawn by His grace to experience His love, the Christian Church would be such a different place.

What is God inviting us to do?

What is the main reason you follow God? He invites us accept His grace, to experience His love and follow Him because we love Him in return.

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