If you’ve been on social media or seen the news at all recently, you have undoubtedly come across pictures of empty store shelves. Stores have run out of things like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, bread, and frozen food. Seeing such things can be worrisome, because we’re not used to having such basic necessities and important conveniences unavailable.
Just the sight of empty shelves triggers concern in back of many of our minds, “What if all of the other stores are out of the same product? What if they never restock these shelves?” Some people begin to panic that they have lost access to these items forever. Many of us have a hard time processing what life would be like without toilet paper and bread. Thankfully the distribution lines appear to be in proper working order for the foreseeable future, so resupplies should be on their way shortly. But in the interim, we have to do without for a little while.
The good news is that the Bible clearly tells us that there will never come a time when we will have to make do without God. When the Israelites were experiencing a time of uncertainty, Moses explained to them, “The Lord will lead you. He himself is with you. He will not fail you or leave you. Don’t worry. Don’t be afraid!” (Deuteronomy 31:8). And when the disciples were about to face a period of uncertainty, Jesus said “You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of time” (Matthew 28:20). So while we might experience a limited supply of certain items over the next weeks, let us find comfort knowing that God’s presence and love will never be lacking.