"The Lord says, I will make you wise and show you were to go. I will guide you and watch over you." (NCV)
What is God saying?
God promises to be actively and intimately involved in the lives of His followers by teaching them, guiding them, and protecting them.
What is God saying to us today?
While it is hard at times to think of God as someone who is as involved in our lives as our spouse, parents, best friend, etc. because we can't interact with Him like we do with others, Scripture makes it clear that He is. He knows our minds, so He is aware of the lessons we need to learn/the wisdom we need to receive. He knows our hearts, so He is aware of the paths in life we should take. He cares for us, so He works to keep us from harm. All we have to do is allow Him to be part of our lives.
What is God inviting us to do?
Do you struggle with allowing God to become a real part of your life? He invites us to connect with Him as we do with other people that are close to us, and when we do, He promises to do amazing things in our lives!